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Dr. Soós Tibor Law Office

Address: 1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 81. 
Tel: 06/1/274-2607; 06/20/999-8850
E-mail: tibor.soos@avocat.hu; alawofficebpsoos@t-online.hu

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Building on the over two decades of government administration experience (including seven years as secretary of the state) of the proprietor, the office was founded over eight year ago. The office services the entire country, practically 14 hours a day, involved in primarily eivie law, public procurement, copyright, economy fields. Special duties include studies in governmental subjects, while our criminal practice focuses on economy, transportation and copyright erimes. All this is accompanied by participation in task routing and efficieney studies both in the public administration and the private sector. The office cooperates with court architeet, traffic and telecommuniscation experts. The elientele is also serviced with hight quality legal aids in English, German, Croatian and Romanian languages.




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